For authors
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The Journal considers only new, previously unpublished manuscripts: 27-54k characters for articles.
Manuscripts should be submitted via official email address:, Supported are .doc, .docx, .rtf files. The manuscript should include:
1. Authors’ first and last names; Identifying information for all authors that includes an email address, place of employment, position, academic degree, city and country;
2. An article title (that should be concise and descriptive);
3. An abstract not to exceed 100 words;
4. Keywords or phrases (no less than five);
5. Bibliography.
The manuscript must include an abstract of 100-250 words. The abstract should provide a very concise descriptive summary of the research stream to which the manuscript contributes, the specific research topic it addresses, the research strategy employed for analysis, the results obtained from the analysis, and the implications of the findings.
The manuscript should have a bibliography. Each source from it must have a reference in the text. Absence of a bibliography can be a reason for rejecting registration of the manuscript.
Please note that it’s better to avoid citing such sources as Ph.D. thesis abstracts and conference reports abstracts. Full-fledged research materials should be cited and included in the bibliography. Bibliography should include monographs, collections of scientific materials, articles in academic journals, scientific and analytical reports. Other sources, such as information, reference, encyclopedia, government and other sources, including Internet resources, which are not scientific and analytical materials, are quoted in footnotes. Should some links for WEB-sources fail to provide direct access to the source, they can be deleted from the article.
References to academic literature, analytical reports and articles in academic journals should be given as in-text bibliographic references which include the authors’ last names, year of publication and page numbers. If no authors are given in the bibliography, in-text reference for such work should include its title (a long one can be separated by elision marks); after-text bibliography should contain full titles:
[Арутюнов 1989: 24]; [Северный Кавказ… 2007: 140]; [Агларов 1988; Бегеулов 2005: 16; Северный Кавказ… 2007]; [АБКИЕА 1974: 200]; [Боров, Дзамихов 1998: 40]; [Боров и др. 1999]; [Боров 2010a], [Боров 2010b]; [РГАДА. Ф. 1406. Оп. 1. Д. 255. Л. 15]
– References for information resources, official and other sources, as well as Internet resources (not scientific and analytical materials) should be given in footnotes:
* Нарушения по подсчету голосов на выборах президента в 2012 году // Карта нарушений на выборах. URL: (дата обращения: 29.04.2016).
* Решение Верховного суда Кабардино-Балкарской Республики от 30 августа 2002 года // Сайт Ассоциации лесопользователей Приладожья, Поморья и Прионежья. URL: (дата обращения: 12.05.2016).
* Хронология истории ЧР // Атагинский форум на сайте «Старые Атаги». URL: (дата обращения: 21.10.2017).
* Линейные казаки // История кубанского казачества: сайт. URL: (дата обращения: 27.10.2017).
* Партии в Кабардино-Балкарии признали невозможность конкурировать с «Единой Россией» // Интернет-СМИ «Кавказский узел». URL: (дата обращения: 22.06.2017).
List of references in Russian and in English should be composed alphabetically. They include academic literature, analytical reports and article in academic periodic journals. DOIs should be given in the end of bibliographic reference.
References to books in Russian should contain authors’ first and last names, year of publication, title of the book, place of publication, publishing house, general number of pages.
References to articles published in academic journals should contain authors’ first and last names, year of publication, title of the article, volume and number, page numbers; for Internet publications – URL and date of access.
Tables, graphs, pictures, schemes
The use of figures to demonstrate an argument or illustrate a finding is strongly encouraged. Authors should ensure that the graphical content of any figures is legible and of high quality. No color should be used as it cannot be included in the print version of the Journal. Text in the figures should be in no less than 12-point type font.
All tables and graphs should be also submitted in separate .xls / .xlsx files in editable form.
Pictures and schemes are recommended to be prepared in jpg., gif., png., tif. formats and should also be submitted in editable form (at least 300 dpi resolution).
Authors of the manuscript must possess rights for all graphic content used in it. Tables and graphs should be given with a full reference to its source. Data from another work should be given with a reference to its source only (especially if it is not available for open access), without copying graphs and pictures. Application of tables and graphs composed by other authors should be motivated and not violate any copyright.