52nd International scientific-practical conference of students, post-graduate students and young scientists “ACTUAL QUESTIONS OF MEDICINE”

Дата создания: 22.03.2022

Dear colleagues and students!

The organizing committee invites you to take part in the 52nd International scientific-practical conference of students, post-graduate students and young scientists “ACTUAL QUESTIONS OF MEDICINE”, devoted to the 90-th anniversary of KBSU


Date and venue:

The 25 th of May, 2022 at 02.00 p.m.

Faculty of Medicine of KBGU

 Nalchik city, Gorky str., building №5


Organizer of the conference is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov”, Medical Faculty.


Conference participants: students, post-graduate students and young scientists under 39 years old.


Form of participation: full-time (report with publication of article in the collection of conference materials) or correspondence (only publication of article).

The conference proceedings will be included in the RSCI database.

The publication of the conference materials is free of charge.
No more than three co-authors can be specified in the article.

The number of publications from one author is not limited.

Scientific directions (sections) of the conference:

  1. Normal and pathological anatomy and physiology
  2. Microbiology, immunology and infectious diseases
  3. Surgery
  4. Therapy
  5. Neurology, psychiatry, and addiction medicine
  6. Pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology
  7. General practice and medical rehabilitation
  8. Health care organization and public health, preventive medicine
  9. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacy
  10. Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery
  11. English speaking section

Organizing Committee of the Conference

Miziev I.A. – doctor of medical sciences, professor, dean of the medical faculty, Academician of the Russian academy of natural sciences, Academician of the Petrovsky academy of sciences and arts, Honored scientist of KBR, Honored doctor of KBR

Kharaeva Z.F. – doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the chair of microbiology, virology and immunology

Tkhabisimova I.K. – Ph.D. of medical sciences, associate professor, deputy dean of medical faculty for research work, head of general medical training and medical rehabilitation chair

Arkhestova D.R. – Ph.D. of medical sciences, scientific supervisor of student scientific society of the faculty of medicine, associate professor of children diseases, obstetrics and gynecology chair

Musukaeva A.B. – deputy dean of medical faculty for additional education

Semenova I.L. – senior teacher of general medical training and medical rehabilitation chair

Shomakhova A.M. – senior teacher of general medical training and medical rehabilitation chair

Dyshekova F.Kh. – chairperson of association of young scientists of medical faculty

Chochaev A.M. – chairperson of student scientific society of medical faculty, the student of 6 course of medical faculty.

Oshnokova M.M. – conference scientific secretary


To participate in the conference it is necessary to send the following materials to the email of the organizing committee of the conference – medconf-kbsu@mail.ru until May 10, 2022:

  • application for participation;
  • materials for publication

Works submitted after the specified deadline will not be considered!


The rules of registration of the application for participation in the conference:

  1. Surname and patronymic (in full) of all co-authors (underline the speaker)
  2. Place of study (work), faculty, specialty, course
  3. Full names of supervisors, their scientific degree, title, and position
  4. Full name of institution and department where work was carried out
  5. Name of the work and the direction (section) to which the work belongs
  6. Form of participation: full-time full-time (report with publication of article in the collection of conference materials) or correspondence (only publication of article)
  7. Phone for hot-line communication
  8. Address for correspondence
  9. E-mail


Rules for the design of the article:

  • Format A4, portrait orientation.
  • Font Times New Roman, font size — 14.
  • Alignment – to the width of the page.
  • Line spacing — 1.5.
  • Margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm, top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm.
  • Tables and graphic images (diagrams, charts, drawings, photos, made with a resolution of at least 300 dpi) are inserted in the text. Tables should be numbered (continuous numbering) and signed at the top, and graphics at the bottom. The text of the article should contain references to all tables and images.
  • The volume of the article should not exceed 5 typewritten pages.


At the beginning of the article there is the title of the article (all letters are capital, bold type), under it the name of the author and co-author(s), research supervisor(s), the full name of the educational organization, country and city in the nominative case, the abstract and key words.



Ivanov. A.A., Petrov B.B.

Supervisor – Doctor of medical sciences, Professor Larin V.V.

FSBEI VO “Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov”, Nalchik, Russia


Key words:

This is followed by the text of the article, which must necessarily contain the following sections:

  • Purpose of the study;
  • Materials and methods of the study;
  • The results of the study and their discussion;
  • Conclusions;
  • List of references.


In the bibliographical list, designed in strict accordance with the requirements of the standard (GOST 7.05-2008), the numbering of sources should correspond to the order of references in the text. The number of the source is indicated in square brackets [ ]. Automatic numbering of references and page footnotes are not allowed.

No more than 2-3 misprints (mistakes) per page of text are allowed.

All materials should be submitted as attached files by e-mail: medconf-kbsu@mail.ru

In the subject of the letter it is necessary to specify the full name of the first author of the article and the title of the article.

Deadline for receipt of materials for participation in the conference is May 10, 2022.

Works that do not meet the rules of registration, with abstract content, and sent after deadlines will not be accepted for publication! The editorial team does not give explanations for unpublished articles. Texts of articles are not returned.


Contact Information:

  • 8-960-430-00-70 – Diana Ruslanovna Arkhestova, Ph.D. of medical sciences, scientific supervisor of student scientific society of the faculty of medicine, associate professor of children diseases, obstetrics and gynecology chair;
  • 8-928-080-22-20 – Fatima Khasanovna Dyshekova, chairperson of association of young scientists of medical faculty;
  • 8-928-077-67-76 – Azamat Mukhamedovich Chochayev, chairperson of student scientific society of medical faculty, the student of 6 course of medical faculty;
  • 8-928-707-74-74 – Marianna Mukhamedovna Oshnokova, sonference scientific secretary


Address of the conference organizing committee:

360022, KBR, Nalchik, Gorky St., b.5,

Medical faculty of Kabardino-Balkarian state university, rooms 408, 410.